Rigging in Maya | Quick Start Part Two
The second part of the workshop, where you will learn how to rig production-quality bipedal cartoon characters!
SPRING SALE ☘️ Up to 50% Off and two Bonuses!
Get two parts of the course for half price ($270 instead of $540) and receive two scripts for free - limited offer until March 17!
Link to the Bundle:
If you already bought the first part, then you can buy second part of course with a 40% discount, for this use promo code SP25
Next Level
This is the second part of a well-established workshop.
After completing this training, you will improve your rigging skills, raising them to a new, more advanced level!
Workshop author: Anton Parygin
- 3D animator and rigger from Kazakhstan
- In the CG industry for over 10 years
- Experience in advertising, film, VR
- Founder of RiggingPRO Community
- Founder of Action Method studio
- Author of rigging tutorials on youtube channel RiggingPRO
- Mentor
Who this course is for:
• for those who completed the first part of the workshop “Rigging in Maya | Quick start" and who are already familiar with the basics of rigging in Maya and want to upgrade to a level where you can take freelance projects or do work in a studio without fear.
Attention! You can't go straight to the second part!
When purchasing the second part of the course, you need to add the first part to your cart. Because in the second part of the course, you will use the scripts, settings and serial number for the video player from the first part. Also, without the knowledge from the first part, it will be difficult for you to complete the second part.
Or you can buy the first part of the course from this link:
★ We have been teaching in Russian for 5 years, and in English since 2023!
★ More than 500 satisfied students from CIS countries and from all over the world
★ Lots of positive feedback and enthusiasm from students!
★ Students work at Wizart Animation, DragonFly, Studio KAPI, Platoshka, also freelance on interesting projects
★ Also involved in the development of indie games
As a result of completing two parts of the course:
— Powerful boost in rig creation speed
By using cheats and life hacks you will rig 10 times faster which will affect your payment, you will be able to get more money
— Deep understanding of rig functionality
You will be able to independently solve the problems that arise when creating a rig and customize it to your needs.
— Animators will be happy
You will create convenient controls for character rig that every animator will appreciate.
At the end of the workshop:
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to rig production-quality characters and props from scratch, which will allow you to take freelance or get a job as a rigger in the studio.
Student demo reels of our course
Rigging in Maya | Quick Start Student Rigging Demoreel 2024
Rigging in Maya | Quick Start Student Rigging Demoreel 2023
Rigging in Maya | Quick Start Student Rigging Demoreel 2022
A strong Demo Reel will help you find a job as a rigger in a studio or attract freelance clients.
The course is completely translated into English and has English voiceover.
You can check out course sample with English voiceover.
How is the training going?
In English the workshop is currently only available in a Self-study version without Mentor feedback.
After the purchase, a serial number will be sent to your email for watching protected videos in a special StarForce player.
Course requirements
— completed the first part of the workshop
— Autodesk Maya 2018 — 2025
The workshop week by week
Week 1: Preparing for rigging
Preparing the model for setup
• checking symmetry, normals, polygons, etc.
Rigging planning and organization
• naming conventions for objects
• creating a rig hierarchy
Skeleton creation
• placement and joints orientation, symmetry
Week 2: Limb Setup
Arms/legs setup
• creating an IK/FK setup
• adding space switching option
• adding the ability to stretch limbs
Foot setup
• creating a FootRoll setup
Hand and finger setup
• wrist attachment to IK/FK rig
• finger Curl attributes
Week 3: Spine and Bendy Limbs Setup
Creating a back and head setup
• review of Ribbon vs IK Spline techniques
• hybrid IK/FK spine setup
• squash -stretch spine setup
• simple head setup
Bendy limbs setup
• creating a setup of bendable "rubber" limbs
Completion of the setup
• union of all parts of the rig, creation of a global control
Week 4: Skinning and deformation correction
• creation of test animation for skinning
• overview of different methods of binding geometry to joints (Bind Methods)
• painting weights technique from general to specific
• Scripts and plugins that simplify painting and smoothing weights
• Mixing Classic Linear and Dual Quaternion skinning methods
• Correction of deformations with using corrective blend shapes or corrective joints
5,6 Weeks: Face Rig
Mouth setup
• creation of emotion blend shapes using various techniques and deformers
• creation of control sliders
• FK tongue setup with additional deformations
• teeth setup
Eye setup
• modification of the finished eye asset from the 1st part:
adding the general attributes of blinking, following the eyelids by turning the eye
Week 7: Props Setup
Helmet setup
• setup of straps with mode switching:
- forward kinematics
- nHair and Ncloth based dynamics
Backpack setup
• Squash&Stretch setup
• backpack straps setup based on IK Spline with the possibility of stretching
Week 8: additional deformations, skateboard setup
Additional deformation
• creating an asset for a complex squash setup that can be embedded from your character's rig
Skateboard setup
• tilt setup and control with box slider
• the ability to rotate the front and rear anchor points
• bendy deck setup
Week 9: Preparing for animation and automation
Preparing for animation
• setup of scaling the whole character (Global Scale)
• hiding and blocking unnecessary attributes, groups, objects of the rig
• setup display modes, geometry selection and controls
• setup of Hirez/Lowrez geometry modes to speed up FPS
• an overview of the quick creation of a rig based on Autorig
Rigging a humanoid character
We have a global update!! Now you can setup your humanoid models.
Now the course will have such a cool female model.
We have also prepared a set of different models for rigging on the course.
Workshop students have already made rigs with these models, see here in the stories:
Additional lessons have also been added, which show the rigging of a girl model.
Here's a preview of the first additional lesson 👇🏻
The course also includes the following topics:
— transfer of deformations from the proxy mesh to the clothes and the final geometry of the body.
— creation of a basic facial setup for game engines (jaw rig, eyes and eyebrows)
— creating a test walk in 5 minutes and creating a dynamic clothing setup for GameDev
— creating corrective joints
Script updates for Maya 2018-2025
In addition, at the request of our students, we have updated all the settings and scripts that come with the two parts of the workshop up to the 2025 version of Maya.
WIP-s, the opportunity to get the first order
Another cool update is that now in the course you will learn how to create short videos with intermediate results and upload them to stories on social networks. And we will repost them to the RiggingPRO Instagram account (47k subscribers), thus attracting potential customers to you at the training stage.
Working materials. What's included?
The same as in the Part One of the workshop: a package of custom settings, summary for each lecture, a list of hotkeys.
+ plus to this:
⭐ Updated shelf with new buttons
⭐ New set of scripts
⭐ Skater and robot models
⭐ Work on your own character
What is included in the Part Two package?
★ Pre-recorded 9 lectures (English voiceover and English subtitles)
★ Pre-recorded 9 video tutorials with extra topics (English voiceover and English subtitles)
★ 30h 37m total length of lessons
★ All course assets (models, rigs, scripts, setting)
★ All videos in HD 1080p mp4 at 30Fps
Also 9 recordings of QA sessions (in Russian with automatic YouTube subtitles)
The workshop also comes with a free Bonus:
- Lecture "Rigging the eyelids with the collision and squash effects" (when buying the whole course)
Attention! You can't go straight to the second part!
When purchasing the second part of the course, you need to add the first part to your cart. Because in the second part of the course, you will use the scripts, settings and serial number for the video player from the first part. Also, without the knowledge from the first part, it will be difficult for you to complete the second part.
Or you can buy the first part of the course from this link:
Artur Vetran – designer
"Hello everyone, I took both parts of the course at the end of 22 years. I can say that I was more impressed or liked. For example, apply dynamics to props and blend shapes to the face, after which the character begins to come to life more clearly. Or skinning when hung with a bunch of plugins is a pleasure! Well, the analysis of many different methods for solving the same problem."
Albert Мuhamadiyarov – character animator
"Hi all. I am a 3D Animator. I would like to point out the following:
- the workshop will be useful not only for those who want to become riggers, but also for everyone else (animators, for sure), since Anton teaches not only how to create a rig, but also how to interact with Maya in general (Install scripts, create a markin menu, etc.).
- You need to be prepared for a large flow of information!
- Who wants to become a rigger, the first part will not be enough!I recommend!!! The course is made with soul and Anton really has expert knowledge in his field!!!"
Alena Anashkina – 3d modeller
"Hi all! By profession I am a 3d artist and create characters, but my dream has always been to "alive" the character, to make it not just stand in a T / A pose, but can walk, move its arms, blink and even smile. Therefore, I have been looking for a good rigging course for a long time, in which you can go through all the stages starting from my zero level and eventually learn how to animate complex characters.
Before the workshop, I had no idea how a rig works, at first everything seemed complicated and incomprehensible to me. But the competent presentation of information, the explanation of complex things in simple language did their job - my character came to life!
I think that this course has fulfilled this task by 100% and even more)
If you want to master the profession of a rigger from scratch, then this course will help you with this. Verified by me!"
Svetlana Belyaeva - Character Technical Artist
"The result of the end of the first part of the workshop was a firm conviction that this is what I need and I am ready to continue learning. My expectations that the lessons would be interesting and effective were justified.
The way of presenting the lessons was easy, accessible, detailed, the practice was very interesting. I liked that they gave several good characters to choose from, but you could take your own. With the selected character, practical work was carried out at the workshop and the result was a cool rig of an excellent character for a serious demo)
I advise everyone. Thanks Anton for the course!"
Vladimir Zakharov – 3d modeller
"Hi all. I took a course on rigging, took 2 parts of the workshop at once. At the beginning there were doubts, because of the rather strong self-promotion. Because there are a lot of courses on the Internet that focus on advertising and beautiful slogans, and not on the quality of the material. But here everything turned out as it should. Anton knows his business both in promotion and in work.
I never regretted it. I am a modeler myself. I thought why do I need rigging. But after thinking about it, I realized that expanding your skills is always useful.
Thanks Anton. Even after the course, he suggested some points. And it helped a lot in my work."
Do you have any questions?
Contact Anton Parygin for details: Facebook/ Telegram/Instagram